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2017-11-30 11:04 zhangwei   








学位情况:摄影测量与遥感专业 工学博士








 3D Mapping系统测试,公司委托





   中国古建筑激光扫描点云识别重建软件V1.0,计算机软件著作权登记,登记号:2011SR006788,证书号:软著登字第0270462号,中国国家版权局,2011 2 15 日。




 地理空间数据可视化原理, 科学出版社, 2017

 地理空间分析原理, 科学出版社, 2016

 地理空间数据获取与处理, 科学出版社, 2015


Yubin Liang, Yuankun Qu, Tiejun Cui, 2017.A three-dimensional simulation and visualization system for UAV photogrammetry.International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and SpatialInformation Sciences. EI

梁玉斌, 崔铁军, 2017. 倾斜摄影测量的研究进展. 天津师范大学学报(自然科学版).

邱炎, 梁玉斌, 崔铁军, 2017. 基于外存八叉树的三维激光点云实时渲染技术. 天津师范大学学报(自然科学版).

Yubin Liang, Yan Qiu, Tiejun Cui, 2017.Semi-Automatic Registration of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data Using PerspectiveIntensity Images. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. SCI

Yubin Liang, Yan Qiu, Tiejun Cui, 2016.Perspective intensity images for co-registration of terrestrial laser scannerand digital camera. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensingand Spatial Information Sciences. EI

车尔卓, 詹庆明, 金志诚, 梁玉斌, 陈明文, 张玥, 2015. 基于地面激光点云的建筑平立剖面图半自动绘制. 激光与红外.

梁玉斌, 2013. 面向建筑测绘的地面激光扫描模式识别方法研究. 武汉大学博士学位论文.

Yubin Liang, Qingming Zhan, Erzhuo Che,Mingwen Chen, 2013. Semiautomatic Generation of Three-view Drawing of BuildingUsing Terrestrial Laser Scanning. 35th International Symposium on RemoteSensing of Environment. EI [口头报告]

梁玉斌, 詹庆明, 肖映辉, 陈明文, 张栋梁, 2012. 地面激光雷达用于历史建筑测绘的一种滤波和抽稀方法. 18届中国遥感大会, 武汉, 中国. [口头报告]

陈明文, 詹庆明, 肖映辉, 梁玉斌, 张栋梁, 2012. 地面激光扫描在历史建筑平面及剖面图构建中的应用. 18届中国遥感大会, 武汉, 中国. [口头报告]

Qingming Zhan, Yubin Liang and YinghuiXiao, 2012. Location determination in urban environment from image sequences.International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and SpatialInformation Sciences. EI

Qingming Zhan, Yubin Liang, Chi Wei,Yinghui Xiao, 2012. Ground Object Recognition Using Combined High ResolutionAirborne Images and DSM. International Archives of Photogrammetry, RemoteSensing and Spatial Information Sciences. EI

Qingming Zhan, Yubin Liang, Ying Cai andYinghui Xiao, 2011. Pattern Detection in Airborne LiDAR Data Using Laplacian ofGaussian Filter. Geo-Spatial Information Science, 14(3): 184-189. EI

Qingming Zhan, Ying Cai, Yubin Liang andYinghui Xiao, 2011. Locality Sensitive Hashing for LiDAR Data Processing.Proceeding of The International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment andTransportation Engineering (RSETE). Nanjing, China. EI

詹庆明, 梁玉斌, 2011. 激光雷达数据处理、信息提取与应用.地理信息世界, 9(2): 38-39, 52.

Qingming Zhan, Liang Yu and Yubin Liang,2010. A Point Cloud Segmentation Method Based on Vector Estimation and ColorClustering. Proceeding of The 2nd International Conference on InformationScience and Engineering. Hangzhou, China. EI

詹庆明, 梁玉斌, 肖映辉. 三种激光点云分割识别算法的比较研究, 2010. 第一届全国激光雷达对地观测高级学术研讨会, 北京, 中国, pp179-185. [口头报告]


IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters期刊审稿人

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